Alert rule: APPUiOCloudInvoiceGenerationFailed
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APPUiO Cloud Reporting failed while trying to generate invoices. Invoices might be incomplete or missing. Remove any obstacles and rerun the job.
The job isn’t idempotent. Rerunning the job, can leave duplicates which need to be cleaned up. |
Steps for debugging
Identify source of failure
Check for missing data indicated by the alert rule APPUiOCloudReportingMissingData.
Check logs for other issues. Look out for connectivity issues (for example between the job and the ERP).
kubectl -n appuio-cloud-reporting logs $(kubectl -n appuio-cloud-reporting get job -l cron-job-name=generate-invoices --field-selector status.successful=0 -o name | tail -n1) --all-containers
Remove any obstacles
Use the findings from the previous step to remove any obstacles causing the job to fail again.
Rerun job
name="generate-invoices-manual-$($(command -v gdate || command -v date) +%s)" kubectl --as cluster-admin -n appuio-cloud-reporting create job --from=cronjob/generate-invoices "${name}" kubectl -n appuio-cloud-reporting logs "job/${name}"
Check ERP for duplicates
In the ERP, search for the generated invoices. Remove all duplicates.
Invoices with status Draft can be removed without issues. For other states, check with finance. They might redo some modifications.
Use the advanced search to search "APPUiO Cloud <month> <year>" in the field
. Then sort byCustomer
. This makes spotting duplicates easier. -
Clean up
Remove all failed check-missing jobs to clear the alert.
kubectl -n appuio-cloud-reporting delete $(kubectl -n appuio-cloud-reporting get job -l cron-job-name=generate-invoices --field-selector status.successful=0 -o name)