Deprecated features


Directly providing a Vault secret reference as a string in openshift4_authentication.identityProviders.*.ldap.bindPassword is deprecated. Users should switch to the secret references mechanism, as documented in configuring secrets for identity providers how-to, as the legacy syntax will be removed in a future release.

See below for an example diff showing how to restructure an LDAP identity provider configuration from the legacy syntax to secret references.

        type: LDAP
-         bindPassword: "?{vaultkv:${cluster:tenant}/${cluster:name}/ldap-auth/bindPassword}"
+         bindPassword:
+           name: ldap-bind (1)
+   secrets:
+     ldap-bind: (1)
+       bindPassword: '?{vaultkv:${cluster:tenant}/${cluster:name}/ldap-auth/bindPassword}' (2)
1 Name of the secret containing the LDAP bind password. The name needs to be identical in both locations.
2 The bind password must be stored in key bindPassword in the secret.