Getting started

This guide will help you to get started to use this component to configure cluster-scoped operator subscriptions.


  • You have an OpenShift 4 cluster on which you want to configure a cluster-scoped operator subscription from a Commodore component

  • You are able to compile the cluster catalog locally


We recommend creating an empty directory and following these steps after changing to that directory.

work_dir=$(mktemp -d)
pushd "${work_dir}"
  1. Make a note of the cluster and tenant IDs

    export CLUSTER_ID=c-the-cluster-1234 (1)
    export TENANT_ID=t-the-tenant-1234 (2)
    1 Replace c-the-cluster-1234 with the ID of your cluster
    2 Replace t-the-tenant-1234 with the ID of your cluster’s tenant
  2. Compile the cluster catalog so you can make changes locally

    commodore catalog compile "${CLUSTER_ID}"
  3. Determine whether you want to deploy the operator into namespace openshift-operators or openshift-operators-redhat.

    export INSTANCE="openshift-operators" (1)
    1 Generally, community operators should be deployed in openshift-operators, while official RedHat operators should be deployed in openshift-operators-redhat. If you’re not sure, it’s best to choose openshift-operators.
  4. Ensure the component is instantiated correctly for the cluster.

    if [ ! -f "inventory/targets/${INSTANCE}.yml" ]; then
      yq eval -i ".applications += [\"openshift4-operators as ${INSTANCE}\"]" \
        "inventory/classes/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}.yml" (1)
      (cd "inventory/classes/${TENANT_ID}"; git commit -av; git push origin master) (2)
    1 Configure component instance
    2 Commit and push cluster configuration change
  5. Now you can create a cluster-scoped operator subscription in your component’s Jsonnet code

    local operatorlib = import 'lib/openshift4-operators.libsonnet';
      subscription: operatorlib.managedSubscription(
        'openshift-operators', (1)
        'elasticsearch-eck-operator-certfied', (2)
        'stable', (3)
    1 The namespace in which the subscription should be created. Use the same value as you’ve selected for ${INSTANCE} in the 3rd step.
    2 The name of the operator to install
    3 The update channel for the subscription
    See the component library reference documentation for full documentation of the functions provided by the library.
  6. Compile the catalog locally to check your changes

    commodore catalog compile "${CLUSTER_ID}" --local

    You should see the following YAML added to your component’s catalog directory

    kind: Subscription
      annotations: {}
        name: elasticsearch-eck-operator-certified
      name: elasticsearch-eck-operator-certified
      namespace: openshift-operators
      channel: stable
      installPlanApproval: Automatic (1)
      name: elasticsearch-eck-operator-certified
      source: certified-operators (2)
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace (3)
    1 The value of this field can be changed by providing optional parameter installPlanApproval when calling function registerSubscription.
    2 The value of this field can be changed by providing optional parameter source when calling function registerSubscription.
    3 The value of this field can be changed by providing optional parameter sourceNamespace when calling function registerSubscription.

    If the component hasn’t previously been instantiated for openshift-operators, you’ll also see new YAML files in the catalog in directory openshift4-operators.