Create Fluentd Certificate
To create an SSL certificate for the s3-forwarder use this command and answer the questions like in the example below.
export INSTANCE_NAME=s3-forwarder-customer-a (1)
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -days 3650 -keyout forwarder-tls.key -out forwarder-tls.cert -subj /name=${INSTANCE_NAME}.openshift-logging.svc
1 | Set INSTANCE_NAME to the name you’re instantiating the component with. |
Upload Private Key to Vault
Create or update the secret in Vault.
You need to be logged in to Vault for the commands to work. |
# Adjust to your environment
# Query for existing secrets first
vault kv get "${key}"
# If there are existing secrets, add your instance secrets:
vault kv patch "${key}" privatekey=$(cat forwarder-tls.key)
# If there is no pre-existing secret, create new:
vault kv put "${key}" privatekey=$(cat server.key)