Migrate from component resource-locker

This how-to shows how to migrate an existing component from component resource-locker to component patch-operator.

The resource-locker-operator has been deprecated in favor of patch-operator, see the deprecation notice on GitHub. We provide component patch-operator as a replacement for component resource-locker. Component patch-operator provides the same component library interface as component resource-locker, which makes the migration for most use cases quite straightforward.


  1. Update your test definitions to download the patch-operator.libsonnet library instead of the resource-locker.libjsonnet library.

          - type: https
            source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectsyn/component-patch-operator/v1.0.0/lib/patch-operator.libsonnet (1)
            output_path: vendor/lib/patch-operator.libsonnet
    1 Update the source URL to use the latest available version of patch-operator.
  2. Update any local rl = import 'lib/resource-locker.libjsonnet' to local rl = import 'lib/patch-operator.libsonnet'.

    If you rename the local name of the import, you’ll also have to update all uses of the import.

    patch-operator doesn’t support full resource locking.

    In Project Syn, we’ve never had a real use case for full resource locking anyway, since that can be done easily by ArgoCD. If you have any uses of rl.Resource() in your component, please remove them and manage the resource directly in the component.

  3. Run make golden-diff.

  4. If there’s errors, you may need to update your component’s code to handle the new patch structure. patch-operator switches the spec.patches field from a list to an object. Where resource-locker-operator used field id to define unique names for each patch, patch-operator uses the object keys as unique patch names.

    We replicate the example custom resource transformation provided in the upstream deprecation notice below.

    resource-locker-operator patch
    apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
    kind: ResourceLocker
      name: test-simple-patch
        name: default
      - targetObjectRef:
          apiVersion: v1
          kind: ServiceAccount
          name: test
          namespace: test-namespace
        patchTemplate: |
              foo: bar
        patchType: application/strategic-merge-patch+json
        id: patch1
    patch-operator patch
    apiVersion: redhatcop.redhat.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Patch
      name: simple-patch
        name: default
            apiVersion: v1
            kind: ServiceAccount
            name: test
            namespace: test-namespace
          patchTemplate: |
                foo: bar
          patchType: application/strategic-merge-patch+json
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your component generates correct patch-operator resources.

  6. If you have multiple test cases, run make golden-diff-all to ensure that you’ve correctly updated your patches for all cases covered by tests. If you identify more patches which need updates, follow steps 3 and 4 for the test case which covers those patches. Use make golden-diff -e instance=<the test case> to run the golden diff for a specific non-default test case.

  7. Once you’re satisfied with the resulting patches, run make gen-golden, or make gen-golden-all.

  8. Commit the result and create a PR for the component you’re migrating.