Add a service to the OpenShift catalog

There’s a function in the common library that helps to create an OpenShift template. The function will ensure that all necessary metadata is set for the template.

Set the template metadata

local osTemplate =
  common.OpenShiftTemplate('postgresqlbyvshn', (1)
                           'PostgreSQL', (2)
                           templateDescription, (3)
                           'icon-postgresql', (4)
                           'database,sql,postgresql', (5)
                           templateMessage, (6)
                           'VSHN', (7)
                           '') (8)
1 Objectname of the tempalte. All these objects are deployed to the openshift namespace. So make sure this name doesn’t collide with any other template. Use the $servicenameby$provider naming scheme to avoid collisons.
2 DisplayName of the template. This is the name shown in the OpenShift console.
3 Description of the service, a description what this service is. Can usually be copied from the product docs.
4 Icon class, the icon can be chosen from predefined ones. See this list here.
5 Tags, various tags that can be set. For some of the tags there are predefined filters in the OpenShift console.
6 Template message, a message that is shown after the template is applied. It’s only shown if the template is applied via the CLI.
7 Provider name, this can be set to the name of the provider that provides this service. For example VSHN or Exoscale.
8 Docs link, this should point to the docs of this specific service.

Add the actual template

To add the actual template part, you need to add fields to the template

local templateObject = kube._Object('', 'VSHNPostgreSQL', '${INSTANCE_NAME}') + { (1)
  spec: {
    parameters: {
      service: {
        majorVersion: '${MAJOR_VERSION}',
      size: {
        plan: '${PLAN}',
    writeConnectionSecretToRef: {
      name: '${SECRET_NAME}',

local osTemplate =
  common.OpenShiftTemplate(...)  + {
    objects: [
      templateObject, (1)
    parameters: [ (2)
        name: 'PLAN',
        value: 'standard-4',
        name: 'SECRET_NAME',
        value: 'postgresql-credentials',
        name: 'INSTANCE_NAME',
        name: 'MAJOR_VERSION',
        value: '15',
1 The actual template, this is just a normal claim with some variable placeholders. Each tempalte could hold multiple objects to template.
2 Parameters define the user input and will be placed in the variable placeholders specified in the object. If the value field is provided then it’s set a default and can be overwriten by the user.

Currently we expose these parameters for each service:

  • PLAN: with the same default as in the CRD

  • SECRET_NAME: Crossplane’s writeConnectionSecretToRef field

  • INSTANCE_NAME: name of the claim. It should not have a default.

  • MAJOR_VERSION or VERSION: depending on the service we expose only the major version or a specific version.

Render it

Finally, we need to render it, but only on OpenShift.

local isOpenshift = std.startsWith(inv.parameters.facts.distribution, 'openshift');

  '20_xrd_vshn_postgres': xrd,
  [if isOpenshift then '21_openshift_template_postgresql_vshn']: osTemplate,