Connect Zone to Control-API
yq YAML processor (version 4 or higher - use the go version by mikefarah, not the jq wrapper by kislyuk) -
Vault CLI -
connection to control-api cluster through kubectl
Connect Zone
Create zone
If the control-api cluster is managed by Commodore refer to the
documentation. -
If the control-api cluster is not managed by Commodore, create the zone manually:
# e.g. exoscale-ch-gva-2-0 ZONE_NAME=my-zone cat > kustomization.yaml <<EOF resources: - namePrefix: ${ZONE_NAME}- EOF kubectl apply -k .
Get the created token from the secret
# e.g. exoscale-ch-gva-2-0 ZONE_NAME=my-zone ZONE_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secrets ${ZONE_NAME}-cloud-agent -oyaml | yq '.data.token' | base64 --decode)
Store the token in Vault
export CLUSTER_ID=<lieutenant-cluster-id> # Looks like: c-<something> export TENANT_ID=$(curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $(commodore fetch-token)" ${COMMODORE_API_URL}/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID} | jq -r .tenant) export VAULT_ADDR= vault login -method=oidc vault kv put clusters/kv/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}/agent-control-api-token \ bearer_token=${ZONE_TOKEN}
Configure the agent
appuio_cloud: secrets: agent-control-api-token: stringData: token: "?{vaultkv:${cluster:tenant}/${cluster:name}/agent-control-api-token/bearer_token}" agent: extraArgs: - -control-api-url= extraEnv: CONTROL_API_BEARER_TOKEN: valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: token name: agent-control-api-token