Setup TLS certificates for the APPUiO Cloud Agent
This guide provides an example how to setup TLS certificates for the APPUiO Cloud Agent admission webhook server.
Compile the cluster
commodore catalog compile ${CLUSTER_ID}"
Prepare certificate files
# Adjust the lifetime as necessary lifetime=3650 # Adjust admission webhook servicename if the namespace differs servicename=webhook-service.appuio-cloud.svc openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout webhook.key -out webhook.crt -days ${lifetime} -subj "/CN=$servicename" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:$servicename"
Store keys in Vault
instance=appuio-cloud parent="clusters/kv/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}" # Use the 'patch' subcommand to add to existing secret vault kv patch "${parent}/${instance}" webhook-key=@webhook.key
Add certificates to cluster config
webhookcert=$(cat webhook.crt) yq eval -i ".parameters.appuio_cloud.agent.webhook.tls.certificate = \"${webhookcert}\"" \ inventory/classes/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}.yml yq eval -i '.parameters.appuio_cloud.agent.webhook.tls.caCertificate = "${appuio_cloud:agent:webhook.tls:certificate}"' \ inventory/classes/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}.yml
Commit and push configuration change
cd inventory/classes/${TENANT_ID} git add ${CLUSTER_ID}.yml git commit -m "Configure APPUiO Cloud admission webhook certificates" git push origin master popd
Remove temporary files
rm webhook.{key,crt}