Upgrade component from v1 to v2

K8up v1.0.0 and also the respective Helm chart v1.0.0 introduced breaking changes that also affect this component. The upgrade process of K8up itself is documented here: k8up.io/k8up/1.2/how-tos/upgrade.html. Contrary to the Helm chart, v2 of this component already ships the necessary CRDs.

v2 of the component exposes the parameter helmValues, which is one to one passed to the Helm chart. See Helm Chart for a list of supported values.

The component exposes additional parameters for ease of access.

Parameter changes

  • tz is now helmValues.k8up.timezone, defaults to Etc/UTC.

  • parameters images.k8up and images.wrestic are injected into parameter helmValues.

If the target cluster is older than Kubernetes v1.16:

  • Set crd=k8up-crd-legacy.yaml

  • Set helmValues.k8up.enableLeaderElection=false


  1. Make sure ArgoCD can update the CRDs. Requires kubectl and yq (version 4)

    for crd in archives.backup.appuio.ch backups.backup.appuio.ch checks.backup.appuio.ch prebackuppods.backup.appuio.ch prunes.backup.appuio.ch restores.backup.appuio.ch schedules.backup.appuio.ch; do
      # Get CRD definition in YAML
      kubectl get crd "${crd}" -o yaml > "${crd}.yaml"
      # Remove all metadata properties except `metadata.name`
      yq -i eval 'del(.status) | del(.metadata) | .metadata.name += "'${crd}'"' "${crd}.yaml"
      # Apply the CRD again (this shouldn't change anything, except adding the annotation "kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration")
      # You will also see some warnings in the output mentioning the annotation.
      # This is expected and actually required.
      kubectl apply -f "${crd}.yaml"
  2. Update component parameters in cluster config as outlined in section parameter changes

  3. Update component version for the cluster

  4. Compile and push cluster catalog