Enable Multi LogForwarder

Red Hat OpenShift Logging Operator only watches the openshift-logging namespace. If you want the Red Hat OpenShift Logging Operator to watch all namespaces on your cluster, you must redeploy the Operator. You can complete the following procedure to redeploy the Operator without deleting your logging components.

Disable ArgoCD sync

Disable ArgoCD sync of component-openshift4-logging:

kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n syn patch apps root --type=json \
  -p '[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/syncPolicy", "value": {}}]'
kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n syn patch apps openshift4-logging --type=json \
  -p '[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/syncPolicy", "value": {}}]'

Remove Cluster Logging Opeartor Group

  1. Remove Subscription:

    kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n openshift-logging delete sub cluster-logging
  2. Remove OperatorGroup:

    kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n openshift-logging delete og cluster-logging
  3. Remove ClusterServiceVersion:

    kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n openshift-logging delete csv -l operators.coreos.com/cluster-logging.openshift-logging=

Enable namespaced LogForwarding

  1. Enable the following parameter in the tenant repo:

        namespaceLogForwarderEnabled: true
  2. Compile and push catalog

Enable ArgoCD sync

Make sure ArgoCD is refreshed before enabling the sync again.

Enable ArgoCD sync of component-openshift4-logging:

kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n syn patch apps root --type=json \
  -p '[{
    "value": {"automated": {"prune": true, "selfHeal": true}}