Policy: disallow-reserved-namespaces

Disallow creation and editing of reserved namespaces

Namespace Ownership

Minimum Kyverno version



APPUiO Organizations

Policy types




This policy will:

  • Check if the namespace name of the request matches one of the disallowed namespace patterns.

  • Check if the requesting user/serviceaccount has a cluster role that allows them to create reserved namespaces.

If the namespace matches a disallowed pattern and the requester doesn’t have a cluster role which allows them to bypass the policy, the request is denied. The policy is applied for requests to create Namespace and ProjectRequest resources. This ensures that unprivileged users can’t use disallowed patterns regardless of whether they use oc new-project, kubectl create ns or the OpenShift web console.

The list of reserved namespace patterns is configured with component parameter reservedNamespaces.

Requesters which match an entry of component parameter bypassNamespaceRestrictions are allowed to bypass the policy.

Policy Definition

apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1
kind: ClusterPolicy
    policies.kyverno.io/category: Namespace Ownership
    policies.kyverno.io/description: |
      This policy will:

      - Check if the namespace name of the request matches one of the disallowed namespace patterns.
      - Check if the requesting user/serviceaccount has a cluster role that allows them to create reserved namespaces.

      If the namespace matches a disallowed pattern and the requester doesn't have a cluster role which allows them to bypass the policy, the request is denied.
      The policy is applied for requests to create `Namespace` and `ProjectRequest` resources.
      This ensures that unprivileged users can't use disallowed patterns regardless of whether they use `oc new-project`, `kubectl create ns` or the OpenShift web console.

      The list of reserved namespace patterns is configured with xref:references/parameters#_reservednamespaces[component parameter `reservedNamespaces`].

      Requesters which match an entry of xref:references/parameters#_bypassnamespacerestrictions[component parameter `bypassNamespaceRestrictions`] are allowed to bypass the policy.
    policies.kyverno.io/jsonnet: component/namespace-policies.jsonnet
    policies.kyverno.io/minversion: v1
    policies.kyverno.io/subject: APPUiO Organizations
    policies.kyverno.io/title: Disallow creation and editing of reserved namespaces
    app.kubernetes.io/component: appuio-cloud
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: commodore
    app.kubernetes.io/name: appuio-cloud
    name: disallow-reserved-namespaces
  name: disallow-reserved-namespaces
  background: false
    - exclude:
          - clusterRoles:
              - cluster-admin
              - cluster-image-registry-operator
              - cluster-node-tuning-operator
              - kyverno:generatecontroller
              - kyverno:policycontroller
              - multus-admission-controller-webhook
              - openshift-dns-operator
              - openshift-ingress-operator
              - syn-admin
              - syn-argocd-application-controller
              - syn-argocd-server
              - system:controller:generic-garbage-collector
              - system:controller:operator-lifecycle-manager
              - system:master
              - system:openshift:controller:namespace-security-allocation-controller
              - system:openshift:controller:podsecurity-admission-label-syncer-controller
          - subjects:
              - kind: ServiceAccount
                name: argocd-application-controller
                namespace: argocd
              - kind: ServiceAccount
                name: cluster-logging-operator
                namespace: openshift-logging
              - kind: ServiceAccount
                name: olm-operator-serviceaccount
                namespace: openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager
              - kind: ServiceAccount
                name: cloud-controller-manager
                namespace: syn-cloudscale-cloud-controller-manager
              - kind: ServiceAccount
                name: namespace-openshift-config-2c8343f13594d63-manager
                namespace: syn-resource-locker
              - kind: ServiceAccount
                name: namespace-default-d6a0af6dd07e8a3-manager
                namespace: syn-resource-locker
              - kind: ServiceAccount
                name: namespace-openshift-monitoring-c4273dc15ddfdf7-manager
                namespace: syn-resource-locker
          - resources:
                - Namespace
                - ProjectRequest
                - appuio-*
                - cilium*
                - default
                - kube-*
                - openshift-*
                - syn-*
      name: disallow-reserved-namespaces
        deny: {}
        message: Changing or creating reserved namespaces is not allowed.
  validationFailureAction: enforce