Upgrade from v12 to v13
This guide describes the steps to perform an upgrade of the component from version v12 to v13.
It’s higly recommended to scale the Keycloak statefulset to 1 during the upgrade.
The Infinispan cluster can’t handle the upgrade to v21.1.2 properly and fails with the error message |
Step-by-step guide
When upgrading the component, the following actions are required if the built-in database is used:
Do a backup of the built-in database.
instance=keycloak namespace=syn-${instance} kubectl -n "${namespace}" exec -ti keycloak-postgresql-0 -c postgresql -- sh -c 'PGDATABASE="$POSTGRES_DB" PGUSER="$POSTGRES_USER" PGPASSWORD="$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" pg_dump --clean' > keycloak-postgresql-$(date +%F-%H-%M-%S).sql
Apply the parameter changes.
Compile and push the cluster catalog.