Use built-in database
The following steps show how to setup Keycloak with the built-in database.
The default built-in database is a single-replica PostgreSQL instance using Bitnami’s PostgreSQL Helm chart.
We don’t need to configure anything unless you need to derive from the defaults.
You can override those Helm values in |
Configure component parameters if deriving from defaults.
keycloak: helm_values: postgresql: {} # Override built-in database values if needed
Generate and store secrets in Vault
key="clusters/kv/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}/keycloak" vault kv put -cas=0 "${key}" admin-password=$(pwgen -s 32 1) db-password=$(pwgen -s 32 1)
Compile and push the cluster catalog
Enable Backups
The component supports backups for the built-in database through K8up. The following steps show how to enable them.
To use this backup feature, the component-backup-k8up needs to be installed on the cluster. |
Enable backups in component parameters
keycloak: k8up: enabled: true
Generate and store repository secret in Vault
key="clusters/kv/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}/keycloak" vault kv patch "${key}" k8up-repo-password=$(pwgen -s 32 1)
Get the access and secret key of your S3 provider and store them in Vault
s3_access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY s3_secret_key=YOUR_SECRET_KEY key="clusters/kv/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}/keycloak" vault kv patch "${key}" k8up-s3-accesskey=${s3_access_key} k8up-s3-secretkey=${s3_secret_key} k8up-repo-password=$(pwgen -s 32 1)
On most clusters you should be able to reuse the global backup credentials set up during cluster creation. Just add a reference to the credentials in Vault to the K8up S3 configuration and you can skip this step.
keycloak: k8up: enabled: true s3: accesskey: '?{vaultkv:${cluster:tenant}/${cluster:name}/global-backup/access-key}' secretkey: '?{vaultkv:${cluster:tenant}/${cluster:name}/global-backup/secret-key}'