Upgrade from v17 to v18

This guide describes the steps to perform an upgrade of the component from version v17 to v18.

Breaking Changes

  • The component doesn’t work with an older Keycloak version than v25.


  • The component requires Kubernetes v1.25 or newer.

  • Keycloak version is v25.0.6 by default.

Parameter changes

  • The reverse proxy mode is no longer linked to the ingress mode. Source IPs taken from the Forwarded header as per RFC7239. To use X-Forwarded-* headers see below. You also may consult the Keycloak documentation.

Step-by-step guide

When upgrading the component, the following actions are required if the built-in database is used:

  1. If your setup requires X-Forwarded-* headers rather than Forwarded header as per RFC7239:

            mode: xforwarded
  2. Do a backup of the built-in database.

    kubectl -n "${namespace}" exec -ti keycloak-postgresql-0 -c postgresql -- sh -c 'PGDATABASE="$POSTGRES_DATABASE" PGUSER="$POSTGRES_USER" PGPASSWORD="$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" pg_dump --clean' > keycloak-postgresql-$(date +%F-%H-%M-%S).sql
  3. Apply the parameter changes.

  4. Compile and push the cluster catalog.