Configuring the component for OpenShift 4

The component mostly automatically configures itself for OpenShift 4.

There are some configurations which are of particular interest on OpenShift 4. This how-to gives configuration snippets to customize OpenShift 4-specific configurations of the component.

Customize machine disruption budget configuration

By default, the component enables machine disruption budget management on OpenShift 4. The component assumes that machine disruption budgets should be created in namespace openshift-machine-api.

The default configuration of the CephCluster resource for OpenShift 4 is equivalent to applying the following configuration in the hierarchy.

        manageMachineDisruptionBudgets: true (1)
        machineDisruptionBudgetNamespace: openshift-machine-api (2)
1 Whether the component should create and manage machine disruption budgets. Change this value to false to disable machine disruption budgets on OCP4.
2 The namespace in which the operator creates the machine disruption budgets. Change this value if machine disruption budgets should be created in some other namespace.