Alert rule: CephPGsUnclean

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PGs have been unclean for more than 15 minutes in a pool. Unclean PGs haven’t recovered from a previous failure.

Steps for debugging

Find degraded PGs

kubectl -n ${ceph_cluster_ns} exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- ceph pg dump_stuck

Trigger a repeer of degraded PGs

During initial testing and benchmarking, we’ve found that sometimes triggering a repeer of PGs in state degraded+undersized can unstick the recovery process. You can use the shell snippet below to trigger a repeer for all degraded+undersized PGs.

for pgid in $(kubectl -n "${ceph_cluster_ns}" exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools \
              -- ceph pg dump_stuck undersized -f json | sed 's/}ok/}/' | \
              jq -r '.stuck_pg_stats[] | .pgid')
    kubectl -n "${ceph_cluster_ns}" exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- ceph pg repeer "${pgid}"

Check Ceph status

The following command should show a line starting with recovery: under io: if Ceph is making progress recovering the degraded PGs.

kubectl -n ${ceph_cluster_ns} exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- ceph status

Rollback damaged or missing object to a prior version

This procedure leads to a loss of data. It should be used as a last resort only.
  1. Find placement groups with missing objects.

    $ ceph_cluster_ns=syn-rook-ceph-cluster
    $ kubectl -n ${ceph_cluster_ns} exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- ceph health detail
    HEALTH_WARN 1 pgs degraded; 78/3778 unfound (2.065%)
    pg 2.4 is active+degraded, 78 unfound (1)
    1 Shows the placement group that’s missing an object.
  2. Check if other OSDs might have the object.

    $ ceph_cluster_ns=syn-rook-ceph-cluster
    $ pg_with_missing_objects=<PG> # e.g. "2.4" (1)
    $ kubectl -n ${ceph_cluster_ns} exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- ceph pg ${pg_with_missing_objects} query | jq '.recovery_state[] | select(.name == "Started/Primary/Active") | .might_have_unfound'
    { "osd": 1, "status": "osd is down"} (2)
    1 Placement group to check.
    2 Might show why an object is missing.
  3. If no other OSDs has the object, rollback the object to a prior version.

    $ ceph_cluster_ns=syn-rook-ceph-cluster
    $ pg_with_missing_objects=<PG> # e.g. "2.4" (1)
    $ kubectl -n ${ceph_cluster_ns} exec -it deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- ceph pg ${pg_with_missing_objects} mark_unfound_lost revert (2)
    1 Placement group with irrecoverable missing object.
    2 delete might be the safer option for systems that get confused if they see an older version of the object.